Emergency Preparedness

Receive Emergency Alerts:

Pawleys Island residents and property owners are encouraged to sign up to receive emergency information (such as boil water notifications and other vital information for their area) through the CodeRED notification system. Choose to receive information via phone, text message or e-mail.

Sign up for emergency alerts

Town Hazard Mitigation Plan:

The Town of Pawleys Island has adopted the Georgetown County Hazard Mitigation Plan. This plan is used to help the Town become more disaster resistant and help prepare and educate residents on potential hazards.

Emergency Contact Information:

Georgetown County Information Hotline (for the latest storm information):
(843) 545-3900, available 24 hours a day when the county’s Emergency Operations Center is activated.

Georgetown County Emergency Management: (843) 545-3273

S.C. Department of Transportation Information: (888) 877-9151 Toll Free

Pawleys Island Town Hall: (843) 237-1698


Charleston – WIWF 96.9 FM

Charleston – WEZL 103.5 FM

Myrtle Beach – WYAV 104.1 FM

Myrtle Beach – WLFF 106.5 FM

Georgetown – WGTN 1400 AM

Important Web Sites:

The information provided in the following web sites may be useful, although not all of the listed sites are official government sites and may not be completely up-to-date or accurate.

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