Hurricane Info

Please check this webpage daily for updates on Hurricanes

Links to find more information about how to prepare for a hurricane

Before The Hurricane – Be Prepared

  • Know your evacuation zone.
  • Plan an evacuation route. Evacuation is highly recommended if you live in a mobile home.
  • Stay tuned to your local television and radio stations for emergency information.
  • Learn safe routes inland and the location of official shelters. Be prepared to drive 20 to 50 miles inland to locate a safe place.
  • Have disaster supplies on hand: flashlight and extra batteries; portable battery-operated radio and extra batteries; first aid kit and manual; emergency food and water for at least 3 days; non-electric can opener; essential medicines; cash and credit cards; sturdy shoes.
  • Make arrangements for pets. Pets are not allowed in official shelters. A listing of pet-friendly hotels is available by contacting Georgetown County Emergency Management.
  • Fuel up and service family vehicles.
  • Teach family members how and when to turn off gas, electricity and water.
  • Teach children how and when to call 911, police or fire department, and which radio station to tune to for emergency information.
  • Protect your home. Cover windows with permanent shutters, plywood panels or other shielding materials. Inspect and secure mobile home tie-downs. Bring inside lawn furniture and other loose, lightweight objects, such as garbage cans, garden tools, etc.
  • Trim back dead or weak branches from trees. Clear loose and clogged drain gutters and downspouts.
  • Determine where to move your boat during a storm.
  • Develop an emergency communication plan in case family members are separated from one another during a disaster.

During The Hurricane – Protect Yourself

  • Stay tuned to your local television and radio stations for emergency information.
  • Stay inside a well-constructed building. Stay away from windows and doors even if they are covered. Go to an interior first floor room such as a basement, closet or under the stairs.
  • Be alert. Tornadoes are often spawned during hurricanes.
  • If the “eye” of the storm passes over your area, be aware that the weather conditions will return with winds from the other direction in a very short time.

After The Hurricane – Returning Home

  • Wait until an area is declared safe before entering. Roads may be closed for your protection. Do not drive in flooded areas.
  • Check gas, water, and electrical lines and appliances for damages.
  • Avoid using candles and other open flames indoors. Use a flashlight to inspect for damage.
  • Use the telephone to report life-threatening emergencies only.
  • If plugging a generator into your home´s electrical system, disconnect your main breaker to prevent electrocution of personnel working on power lines.
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